Upload a Photo We've made it very easy for you to upload pictures to this permanent online archive dedicated to the memory of your loved one. We accept jpg or png files only.
Step 1: Click on the button labeled "Add Files". This will open a file search tool, allowing you to select images from your computer.
Step 2: Once the images are selected, you're given the opportunity to add a descriptive paragraph, or cancel the upload.
Step 3: Click on the button labeled "Start Upload". You'll be shown an "upload progress" bar so you can monitor the upload.
Step 4: When the upload is completed successfully, you'll see thumbnail images of your submission, and the following message: "Your photo(s) have been successfully uploaded. Thank you for sharing! If you are not a family administrator of this site, your submission will need to be reviewed and approved by the person or persons designated by the funeral home to control the content of this Book of Memories™. If that is the case, please come back to the Book of Memories™ at a later date to view your photo."