Joyce Hancock

A beautiful soul has passed. Our mom, Joyce Hancock nee Myles passed away
December 18 at the age of 93. She was predeceased by her husband, Earl (1994).
They were married for almost 46 years. She truly was a wonderful mother who was
always there for us and loved us deeply. She set the bar high! She is survived by
Glenn (Nancy), Brent (Colleen), Mark (Rory) and Lisa (Phil Smith).
Mom absolutely relished the role of grandma. She adored and cherished her
grandchildren. She would always make herself available to babysit. They loved her
bedtime stories. You could always find her at their school events, arenas, dance
studios, concert halls, theaters, etc. She was so proud of Matthew (2007), Ryan,
Sarah, Erik and Alicia. Mom was also very happy to be a grandmother to a few four
legged kids!
Mom was one of three children. Her big sister Laura (Bill Gibbens 2017) was her
lifelong friend with whom she’d share many laughs when together. Mom always
enjoyed spending time with their daughter, Susan Chandler and son Bruce (2015).
Mom was predeceased in 1975 by her brother Gordon (Betty) whom she adored.
She always thought they did such a wonderful job raising David, Brian, Sharon and
Mom and dad also shared many good cottage times with our dad’s cousin Carol (Wilf
Hewitt 2020.).
Mom played softball, was in the ice follies, roller-skated and was a great line dancer,
which she did up until 2017. She loved music!
Our mom was a supervisor at Bell Canada before helping dad run their dry cleaning
business. When they sold that and dad went to work at GM, mom then focused on
dedicating herself to raising a family. We were so very fortunate to have her stay
home with us. Her involvement in our lives made us all better people. She was
hardworking inside the house and outside in the garden. She would be busy sewing,
knitting, cooking fabulous dinners and baking. Kids would trade their lunches for
her baked goods. Mom and dad were rewarded for all their hard work by doing
what they loved which was to winter in Florida in their retirement years. Of course,
they’d miss us so they’d have us all down there!
Mom’s words to live by were to always be positive and LIVE life to the fullest. Don’t
complain and be negative. She loved “It’s My Life” by Bon Jovi lol. People were
drawn to mom as she was happy and made the best of any situation. She was always
complimented for her zest for life, effervescence, kindness and appearance. She
always made sure she had her lipstick on!
Since December 2018, mom was well taken care of at Wynfield Retirement Home.
Her dementia actually improved when she moved in there. She participated in their
activities and was loved by many staff.

We are so very thankful and blessed to have had such an incredible mom. She will
live on in our hearts and in all the wonderful memories we have of a life well lived.
A cremation has taken place and a Celebration of Life will occur at a later date.