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Pat Bradley posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
To Cathy and Family we offer our sincere condolences for the loss of Robert. He was a very nice man. Bill and Pat Bradley
Vicki Kent posted a condolence
Saturday, December 26, 2020
I worked at Meals on Wheels for many years, and dealt with Robert when he would coordinate volunteers for us. He was always so nice, and he always came through for us. He was just a pleasure. My sincere condolences to his whole family. He was a very good man.
Donna Quinn lit a candle
Sunday, December 20, 2020
My deepest condolences to Bob's family and friends. He was a kind and gentle man. Godspeed and rest in peace. Donna Quinn (St Luke the Evangelist C S)
Rick Courneya posted a condolence
Saturday, December 19, 2020
We have had the pleasure of knowing Robert and travelling with him and Cathy for over 40 years and his sudden passing was devastating. We will miss his unique sense of humour and his one of a kind fashion sense. He was respected and loved by innumerable people in Durham region and elsewhere. His love and pride in his family was practically legendary. He lived his Christian life each and every day and many people and organizations were benefactors. He will be sorely missed and our many wonderful memories of Robert will sustain us now and in the days to come. Dorothy and Rick Courneya and our family.
Bill Stratton posted a condolence
Saturday, December 19, 2020
I was deeply saddened to hear of the loss of a great friend, teacher and fellow OECTA member. My sincerest condolences to Cathy and the Fillion family! Over the years, Bob and I shared many ideas and adventures. We first met on the volleyball court where he exercised his famous karate-chop serve. He liked to be well-informed - often calling me about some article he saw in the paper, usually clipping it out to give me when next we met. He also cut out topical cartoons and gave them to me as well. Robert loved movies - we often compared our ratings of movies we'd seen. His "character" and "sports team" ties always brought a smile to my face. Robert never got mad - the worst expletive I ever heard him say was "Mustard!" He was always volunteering - Meals-on-Wheels, St. Vincent's Kitchen, the Legion, the French Club, etc. In November, he would show up a bit late to a meeting because he lost track of time while selling Remembrance Day poppies and was justly proud of reaching his newest record for donations. We spent hours on many OECTA negotiating teams, most recently on the Occasional Teacher Bargaining Unit Collective Bargaining Committee, and he was always a welcome member of the OTBU Executive. He loved food - always starting out with French onion soup, ensuring a healthy main course and always looking forward to a dessert. Bob loved sports, especially his beloved Argos. Robert - Bob - Herbie - you will be missed! Rest in peace. Bill Stratton
DCDSB Family posted a condolence
Saturday, December 19, 2020
I had the pleasure of working with both Robert and Cathy, in those early years of my teaching career. I first met ‘Robie’ my first year of teaching at St. Patrick Catholic School and then crossed paths with Cathy at St. Teresa of Calcutta C.S. (formerly Mother Teresa). I remember him welcoming me to the teaching profession, a profession of which he was proud and passionate, often sharing words of wisdom in his quiet, yet witty manner. I soon came to realize Robert was a man of many ‘hats’ and roles, both literally and figuratively. No matter which hat he wore or role he played, he did so with passion and pride, often mixed with a bit of well-placed humour. Robie was up for any social gathering both on and off the ‘court’ and his school spirit was infectious. A truly kind-hearted, gentle man who inspired others by his mere presence, selfless acts and ‘joie de vivre’; a great colleague and friend to all who knew him. Rest in peace ‘Robie – Obie-Wan-Kanobie’. You are missed. Our deepest condolences Cathy, to you and your family. Love, Sandra and Chris Seeney
Tonya Russell posted a condolence
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Cathy I have no words to express my sincere condolences during this time. Every time Robert came to supply he always had such a big smile on his face, he must have been the happiest person I know. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time. Tonya Russell
James Talley posted a condolence
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Our Earth is a very small stage,in this universe, Bob played many parts on this stage Son, Brother,Husband ,Father, Grandfather,Teacher,Coach,Friend, and Volunteer, He was a giver not a taker. The world needs more givers, rest in peace my friend. Jim Talley
DCDSB Family posted a condolence
Friday, December 18, 2020
I was just in the main office at Notre Dame C.S.S. and spent 15 minutes talking about Robert with a number of staff members. Some had come into contact with him casually over the years, some had personally worked with him and others never met him. We were all laughing and sharing stories about what a great person he was. I thought this summed up who he is as a person and the legacy he has left behind. I can honestly say that I am better at what I do because his example. Shawn O'Hare I was so shocked and sad to hear of the passing of Robert. Robert was a good friend and colleague to anyone who knew him and worked with him. Robert always found time to help anyone who asked him. He was a devoted educator who always put the needs of the students and staff first. His school spirit and sense of humour are legendary (who can forget school spirit “dress-up” theme days where Monsieur Fillion would NOT be outdone by any other staff or student). My thoughts and prayers go out to Cathy and the family at this extremely difficult time. Au Revoir, Monsieur, there will be a moment of silence in “The Forum” in your honour! Tim Coburn My sincere condolences to the Fillion family. I had the pleasure of working with Robert for many years at St. Patrick CS. He was an important part of a group of strong, positive, and hard-working teachers. He was up for all social events and everyone enjoyed his presence and sense of humour at staff get togethers. Rest In Peace, Robert. You are missed. Sincerely, Mary McLoughlin
Erick purchased flowers
Friday, December 18, 2020
purchased the Loved, Honored And Remembered and planted a memorial tree for the family of Robert Fillion. Send Flowers
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Frank Spagnuolo posted a condolence
Friday, December 18, 2020
There are not enough words to express the impact Robert has had on me and my family. He was my teaching mentor at Monsignor Pereyma in 1985. He was an amazing person who always motivated me to give my best. His jokes, coupon cutting, and festive costumes made everyone laugh and his smile lit up the staffroom. Soon after we became good friends and enjoyed going to many Argo games and Oshawa Little Theatre productions. My children benefitted from having him as a French teacher at St. Pat’s, and later as an extension of our family. Robert touched our lives through his kind heart and humour. His words of wisdom and inspirational guidance will be cherished by all of us. Thank you Robert for your committed friendship and the memorable times. I will deeply miss our daily telephone calls. We lost a good friend, but God gained an Angel. Cathy, may the light of God shine down and guide your family through these difficult times. Love, Frank & Lynn Spagnuolo
Marie Billinger posted a condolence
Friday, December 18, 2020
So shocked to hear about Robert's passing. As a fellow supply teacher, I met Robert about 14 years ago. As many have stated, he was a kind, positive, helpful gentle giant. I always took the opportunity to practice a little French when I greeted him at various schools. He really exuded a great love of teaching and enjoyed working with all students. My last recollection of talking with Robert was about a family member and snow tires. The story was very touching and again was a testament to his kind ways. I also worked with Robert on the Occasional Teacher OECTA executive and he had a quiet, respectful way of getting his points across with regards to teachers' rights. My sincere condolences to Cathy and family. Rest in peace, "Row-bear"; you will be missed. Marie Billinger
ACFO-DP posted a condolence
Friday, December 18, 2020
C’est avec beaucoup de tristesse que l’ACFO Durham-Peterborough a appris le décès de son premier président M. Robert W. Fillion. Aujourd’hui président honoraire de l’ACFO-DP il représente pour nous tous le pionnier de notre assemblée, celui qui a été un des premiers défenseurs des droits des francophones de notre région. Il a participé à tous nos comités, a toujours été là pour nous appuyer dans toutes nos démarches et était là pour nous informer de toutes les activités qui ont eu lieu depuis le début de l’assemblée. Nous venions juste de terminer ensemble la liste de toutes les présidences de l’ACFO-DP et avions réalisé comment Robert était venu au secours de l’assemblée maintes fois au cours des ans dès que la présidence était vacante. Il a ensuite été sur le comité exécutif comme président sortant pendant 10 ans et a continué à s’impliquer dans tous nos dossiers. Il était même notre père Noël officiel lors de notre fête de Noël!! Robert nous ne t’oublierons jamais et tu nous manques déjà!! Mais tu laisses en héritage à la communauté ta générosité et ta bienveillance légendaires. Merci infiniment, Robert! Sincères condoléances à sa famille et à l’ensemble de la communauté francophone. It is with great sadness that ACFO Durham-Peterborough learned of the death of our first president Robert W. Fillion. As honourary president of ACFO-DP he represents the earliest members of our association, one of the first champions of Francophone rights in our region. He participated on all our committees, always there to support all our projects, and a source of information on all activities of the association since it`s beginnings. We recently finished a list of all the past presidents of ACFO-DP and realized Robert was not only president 4 times, for a total of 21 years, but also took over on numerous occasions when the position fell vacant and continued on the executive board as past president for 10 more years. He was even our official Père Noël at our Christmas gatherings. Robert will not be forgotten and is greatly missed already. He leaves a legacy, to the community, of generosity, kindness and humanity. Thank you, Robert. Sincere condolences to his family and the Francophone community.
DCDSB Family posted a condolence
Thursday, December 17, 2020
I met Robert while I worked @ St. Patrick Catholic School. He was larger than life. During Winterlude he used to walk down the halls singing “Carnival, Festival, Carnival”. It was awesome!!! He had a solid, honest relationship with students. He cared!!! I remember fishing with Robert in Northern Ontario. He always had a great story to tell. He will be missed!!! My thought and prayers go out to Cathy and the family. Chris Szent-Ivany Robert was one of the first people I ever met at St. Patrick. He was such a gentle giant and first I thought he was rather quiet or shy. After getting to know him I realized he was actually very witty! He was such a fun character and always up for a good time or a ‘spirit’ day. After having worked with Robert for many years at St. Patrick I remember when he showed up as a supply teacher at my current school and I was surprised when someone called him ‘Robert’ (Raw-bert). He was always ‘Robert’ (Row-Bear) or ‘Monsieur’ to me! I will miss seeing him around. Such a loss for everyone! Colleen Costello Monsieur was a one-of-a-kind guy. You never knew when he was going to show up at your school as a supply teacher, but when he did, it was a walk down memory lane! I fondly remember Robert and Cathy's many kindnesses to my sister Catherine and her family during the time of her sickness. Merci Robert for being you and for creating so many wonderful memories for all of us to share. You are the original Bon-Homme! Rest in peace my friend, Martha McAvoy
DCDSB Family posted a condolence
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Robert was one of the first people I met when I arrived at St. Patrick, which was just portables at St. Jude, in 1991. He was always so positive about teaching and life in general. I always think of the Parable of the Mustard Seed when I think of Robert. He will be missed. Shauna Chiasson Such sad news. Robert was such a positive person and had the best school spirit! He was always so friendly and up for any socials. My heart goes out to his family. My deepest condolences to Cathy and the rest of his family. We will miss you Robert. Rest in peace. Jacqueline Azzolin I will always remember Robert, standing up at the mic. at OECTA meetings, championing teachers' rights. Rest in Peace, Robert. Andrea Findlay Shields That is very sad news. He made the best Bonhomme during carnival! The head band and marshmallows were classic Robert. Prayers go out to his family at this difficult time. Shannon Culhane Sad news ...such a kind, generous person. I will always remember him wearing a terry cloth head band--I'm sure he is wearing it in heaven right now! Rest in peace, Robert...you will be missed. Manuela Michelin Robert was such a kind and generous man. He would frequently do things for others quietly and out of the spotlight. He loved innocent mischief and always had a twinkle in his eye. I will miss his laugh when he could barely get the words out while telling a story. I will miss his nod of recognition and hello from across a room. This world was much better with Robert in it. He will be greatly missed and our prayers go out to Cathy and their family. Dave Brown Oh no...so sad. He was such a caring person. Diane Kidd My heart goes out to Cathy and family. He was such a great man!! Right now, I’m picturing him with a festive elf hat! Or some great St. Patrick’s Day gear. What a loss. Love to Cathy and family. Michelle Arnold Robert was an integral part of the early years at the new St. Patrick school in Ajax. I always said that he must have the largest tickle trunk in the world stowed away in his basement. There was never a theme day he wasn't all in on. Backwards day with a school photo of his face taped to the back of his famous headband was a favourite. A wonderful teacher, friend and advocate for teachers rights. Thoughts and prayers to Cathy and the family. God bless Robert. Mike Gallagher So Sad. No greater advocate for Catholic Education. Such a loss to DCDSB. My prayers to Cathy and their family. May he rest in peace! Kathryn Hadden Oh no, this is so sad. I remember him from OECTA when I started teaching and just saw him a few weeks ago. I thought he would still be teaching long after I retire! So sad. May he rest in peace. Love to his family. Leah van Roesell Robert was a very caring and compassionate man. It is very sad news for everyone who knew him. Samantha Anderson I am in shock. Robert was such a great guy, loved teaching with him. I will miss our Hab talks and borrowing his copy of The Sun. Rest in Peace Robert. My condolences to all his family. Emmett Chaisson So sad and unexpected! I've been lucky enough to see him now and then at St. John XXIII when he supplied. Always so positive about teaching. I will picture his halo as a headband! Who can forget his “chop” in volleyball? His devotion to the Legion was great too, he took my school's postcards for peace to share with the members. Sympathies and prayers to Cathy and the family. Bernie Rigo This is so sad! He was my French teacher in elementary school so to be able to also teach with him was an unexpected gift. Au revoir Robert. Robin Cook One of the most kind-hearted people that I have had the pleasure of meeting. Selfless. He always was willing to help others in need. Robert was definitely playful and quirky which made him relatable to everyone, especially his students. From his patented head and wrist bands, as well as his volleyball karate chop, his bag of mini marshmallows, dressing up as Bonhomme or his over the top participation in school spirits days...He didn’t take himself too seriously and greatly enjoyed his many roles within DCDSB. Robert will be missed by all that were lucky enough to crossed paths with him. Pat Costello Robert will always be remembered as a kind and gentle man who was passionate about representing teachers. His enthusiasm for participating in spirit days was admirable and my favourite memories of Robert include his lip-synching performances in the St. Patrick teacher band. Robert will be missed by all who knew him. Condolences to Cathy and his entire family. Laura O’Neill Every time I saw Robert, he had a sly smile on his face and a comment that would make me chuckle. He was my French teacher at St. Pat’s for many years and he never, ever, spoke poorly of any of the kids. His work with the school, veterans and OECTA were a sign of his commitment to helping others. God bless Cathy and Robert’s family. Remember the laughs and smiles through these difficult times. Rest in peace Robie. - Kevin and Marci MacDonald At first glance, you’d have thought this guy was crazy! But after spending even the smallest amount of time with him, you instantly felt welcomed, listened to and that you had just made a friend. A tireless advocate of teachers and Catholic Education, Robert was truly one of the treasures of the DCDSB. In his later years, in his goal to teach for 50 years, I’d often see him happily supply teaching in FDK classrooms with a piece of printer paper taped to his chest or around a makeshift lanyard, with the words “Mr. Fillion” printed in black magic marker. Rest in Peace Roah-Bee and go give the Angel’s Latin teachers some prep-time and teach them a little French! Oh, and probably help organize a few volleyball tournaments as well! Dave St Jean and Family I had the pleasure of working with Robert at Saint Pat’s for 7 years. Robert was an integral part of the school community. He eagerly added great spirit by his participation in all school activities. I’ll always remember Robert’s concern for his colleagues. His kindness was beyond measure. Rest in Peace Robert. Mary Simpson I have known Robert and Cathy through most of my teaching career. Cathy since elementary school where we attended together in Pickering. (St. Mary's, no longer standing) I have worked with Robert and Cathy for many, many years. "Robie" has influenced me a great deal. His compassion for others, his infectious school spirit, love of children and always ready to party! I was just over to Robert and Cathy's about 3 months ago to help him with a shed. Then a couple of months ago he helped me get in touch with a body shop friend of his that was really reasonable. I was just going to call him this week to thank him for his help. It was a terrible shock for Gloria and I when we received a call last night from Sandra Seeney who relayed the information. Robert will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He is a legend! Thank you "Robie" for enriching our lives and many others. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Cathy and her children. Love, Pat and Gloria MacKinnon Our community of teachers has lost an epic colleague and friend. I have so many great memories of baseball, volleyball, and post game beer/wings/game analysing/laughs with Robert. I was always happy to see him strolling down the halls while supplying at Bosco and will miss catching up with him over lunch hour chats. My deepest condolences to Cathy and the family. Roberta Cirelli Robert was one of a kind! Everyone who worked with Robert had some kind of connection to him. He was all about community and culture at the school. From Bonhomme to coaching and staff volleyball games! He gave everything to the vocation he loved and had a heart of gold. He was a great lip synching band mate as well! We can’t carry on our band without him! Robert gave 48 years to our board and our students are better off as a result! Mike O'Neill I first met Robert when I began teaching at St. Patrick Catholic School many years ago. Robert was the French teacher for my class that year ...and it was a tough class...but we were able to get through it together. He was always so positive and caring and willing to do anything for anyone. Over the ten years I worked at St. Patrick’s, I got to know Robert quite well. Grade 8 trips to Quebec City, fishing trips with the boys, staff and student volleyball games, Superbowl parties, late night wings and beer at the pub and many school and social functions that are too many to count. Robert had a great sense of humor and never took himself too seriously. But what I will remember most from our friendship is that he was the perfect example of Faith in Action – collecting money for Veteran’s through poppy sales or spear-heading the United Way and ShareLife campaigns at the school. His life of service is an inspiration, and I can’t imagine the many lives his work impacted over his many years in Catholic Education. Although our paths rarely crossed over the last few years, it deeply saddens me when I think that he is gone. My thoughts and prayers go out to Cathy and all the family. He will be missed. Mike Goff When I think of Robert, I think of kindness. He was always willing to help, to lend an extra hand for whatever needed doing. I also think of laughter... so many volleyball tourneys, so many "backwards days"! Such a lovely, kind gentle man. Such a giant for teacher issues! He brought so much wisdom to a young St. Pat's staff. Our sincerest sympathies to Cathie and their family. Rita and Dan Somers
The family of Robert William Joseph Fillion uploaded a photo
Thursday, December 17, 2020

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