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Sherry, Larry and family
and 5 others have purchased flowers for the family of William Westcott. Send Flowers
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Karen Westcott planted 5 trees in memory of William Westcott
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
5 trees were planted in memory of
William Francis Westcott
Uncle Bill was the best, so full of love and laughter. We have fond memories of time spent in NB. All our Love, Carol, Karen, Kim and Pete Westcott Plant a Tree
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Eve Jones posted a condolence
Friday, May 28, 2021
Dear Brenda, I was so sorry to read about the death of Bill. It has been many years since we were bar friends on Friday nights. We certainly had many laughs on those occasions. I remember Ben and David running around the bar. They must be adults by now. Are you still teaching? I retired 10 years ago. Of course with this pandemic, one does not get to do much. I still talk to Max occasionally. His wife died about a year ago. Marion died a number of years ago. Bill was a lovely, kind person. I hope you are doing all right. I will be thinking of you. Take good care of yourself and the boys. Eve Jones
Ray Westcott posted a condolence
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Although at various times caring, serious, thoughtful or hilarious, if I had only one way to characterize my Dad it would be to point to his enthusiastic embrace of the joys of life. When he planned a year end party for staff at his school, he didn’t buy a dozen oysters, he bought ten dozen oysters. And my brother Neil and I can tell you that he did not shuck them himself - but they were enjoyed by everyone. There would be more lobsters than guests, and when he put lobsters in the pot he would say so everyone could hear “you can’t have too much salt” while upending most of a shaker of salt into the pot. He was effusive at times like these – having guests was a time for celebration, and that meant that everyone was invited to join in the celebrating. Almost as if he wanted to be ready for unexpected guests at Christmas, he didn’t simply buy a big turkey. He went through all the turkeys in the grocery store to find one that would ensure that stuffing it, carving it and carrying it to the table on Christmas Day was a project unto itself. And he didn’t just buy a big Christmas tree. He searched for a tree that that was large enough that when it was wedged into the living room it left a stripe on the roof that went alongside the stripe left by the tree from a few years back. And that tree would be the central point for all festivities as he pulled out an old cocktail book, held together by elastics, to mix up the egg nog that had a healthy enough lacing of brandy and rum that any new arrivals were given a clear and fair warning with their first mug. And were on their own for any after that. But if you’re looking for evidence of the contagiousness of my dad’s enthusiasm, I think it would be measured in how much that joy has passed from him to those that he met. And to describe that, I’ll leave the last word to my friend Graham, who visited my house for several Christmases as a teenager and a young man. He has told me how welcome he felt in my parents’ home, and how he enjoyed Dad’s encouragement to join in the celebration. A parent himself now, he has said that he’s adopted those of my Dad’s habits that made him feel so welcome, and he adds that, following my Dad, “on a few occasions, I have embarrassed a new boyfriend or girlfriend of my kids by telling them that ‘if you’re going to be here while we decorate the tree, grab a decoration.’” My Dad believed in his heart that joy is to be shared, and good fortune is best enjoyed with others. And he shared his joy and good fortune willingly, and in a way that will impact all that had the pleasure of sharing life’s joys with him. He is dearly missed.
Tribute Store
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet was purchased for the family of William Westcott. Send Flowers
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Francesca and Nick planted a tree in memory of William Westcott
Thursday, May 20, 2021
We are so sorry for your loss Plant a Tree
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Gio planted a tree in memory of William Westcott
Thursday, May 20, 2021
With deepest sympathy, Plant a Tree
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Katie and Lauren planted a tree in memory of William Westcott
Thursday, May 20, 2021
For David, Our thoughts are with you as you celebrate the great life your dad had and the memories you will have of him forever. Plant a Tree
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Marta Magyar lit a candle
Thursday, May 20, 2021
We are so sorry for your loss. We lost a good friend and neighbour, he will be missed dearly. We send you all strength and love during this difficult time. Please accept our deepest condolences. Love Marta, Andrew, Timea, Derick and Jolan
Meghan Daunt posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, May 20, 2021
My deepest sympathies are extended to all of Uncle Bill's family. May you find comfort in special memories and in each other. I have a fond memory of swimming in Uncle Bill's pool, and playing with my big sisters and cousins when I was a little girl. I think that pool was my first introduction to swimming! I last saw Uncle Bill at my father James' funeral. The physical resemblance and similar mannerism's between the two brothers was both striking and comforting to me. My thoughts and prayers are with you today, as you celebrate your father's life and mourn his passing. Our condolences, Meghan and Family
Geraldine Westcott posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, May 20, 2021
I am very sorry for your loss. I am keeping you in my prayers. Love, Aunt Gerry
Emily Mallia posted a symbolic gesture
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Uncle Bill, I miss you beyond words. You were always such a loving soul. You were kind and generous and always went out of your way to make everyone feel included. I often think back to days when the whole family would hang out at your house. I miss those days a lot. It was never a dull moment and we had plenty of laughs and endless good times. Thanksgivings were the best when they were spent with you, in your home. You always served the most delicious food as well. You always inspired me to stay strong and keep my spirits up. I remember how much you would joke around with everyone and how you would make everyone smile. You would always go out of your way to make sure people were cared for and having fun. I miss your big hugs and having conversations with you. You were such a wise, nonjudgemental person with a huge heart. I send my love and condolences to my Aunt Brenda, David, Ben, Neil, and Ray. Bill's love and light will never be forgotten and I will forever cherish the moments I had with him. I love you Uncle Bill. Love, Emily.
Tribute Store
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Lavender Reflections Spray was purchased for the family of William Westcott. Send Flowers
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Tribute Store
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Strength and Solace Spray was purchased and a memorial tree was planted for the family of William Westcott. Send Flowers
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Sherry, Larry and family purchased flowers
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Sherry, Larry and family
purchased the Peaceful White Lilies Basket and planted a memorial tree for the family of William Westcott. Send Flowers
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Noelle Gibbs posted a symbolic gesture
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Hearing the news about our Uncle Bill was devastating. Uncle Bill was such a staple in the family & always made it his mission to bring people together. I went to one of my first Blue Jays games with uncle Bill! He was always fun, loved to tease you, & made sure you always felt right at home. I have most of my fondest memories from being at the Westcott house! All of the pool parties, Christmases & celebrations were always at Bill & Brenda's. Bill always spoke so highly of all four of his boys & his love for them was highly evident. He never pretended to be someone he wasn't, and you always knew where you stood with him! I always felt close to Uncle Bill because he would joke around with me & knew I was a trickster but loved me for it anyway! Just after my mom died, we spent Christmas at the Westcott's house & they went over & beyond. Bill always made the best Turkey & was a superb cook! We had so much fun & we have always been included in all of the family gatherings. Genevieve, my older sister, would consider Bill like a second father. The bond they shared was special, and she LOVED staying at the Westcott house for extended periods. Genevieve would tell me how spoiled she was when she went to the Westcott house and all their adventures. She loved having a beer with Bill outside & going to the local pub up the road. Bill was someone that was always in your corner & he always showed up for you. Any family event- he was there with bells on! When you spoke, he listened and was always available to give help wherever needed! I send my condolences to my Aunt Brenda, Ben, David, Neil, and Ray. Uncle Bill is now with all of the angels (I have no doubt my mom & him are having a time up in Heaven). Uncle Bill will be missed, but the stories & his legacy lives on. Love you, Uncle Bill! I will always cherish all of the beautiful memories! Love Noelle (Oh Hell)!
Brigette uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Bill. Words cannot be expressed to say how much we will miss you. Horror movies, Christmas, pool parties and so many other fun things. Funny uncle, supportive brother- in-law, dad and wonderful husband to Brenda. I will always remember you suntanning Amanda in the window as a baby. The time you looked everywhere in our 10 k race for me and you were shocked to see I beet you to the finish line. I later confessed I was so tired I had an officer drive me there. Always smiling always happy. We will miss you so much. Love Terry Brigette Amanda and Ryan
Mary Steinke posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
We are so sorry to hear about Bill’s passing, Brenda. I will always remember him as a principal at St B’s, your wedding and swimming with our girls at your home. Mary and George Steinke
Mary Pat Bradbury posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
I was very sorry to hear of Bill's death. I worked with him for his term at St Joseph School. He was a fair person to students and staff and his laughter was contagious. We had many pool parties which were legendary. My condolences to all the family. Mary Pat Bradbury
Neil Westcott posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
A lot of my earliest memories of my dad have to do with sports. He was my baseball coach and my hockey coach. My family spent a lot of time in the car driving to and from my games. Goodness knows how my parents found the time, but they did. Growing up, my dad and I definitely had our difficulties. As a teenager, I had a penchant for getting into trouble and a son who didn’t bother much with school was bound to upset a father who was an educator. I wonder if that’s why my dad and I couldn’t really see eye to eye a lot of the time. Maybe it was because I was lazy or took the easy way out too often. Perhaps it was that we were a lot alike, or maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part. Thankfully, I was able to understand exactly how much of a positive impact he had on me growing up and was able to tell him that in adulthood. My dad was a gregarious man who could talk to anyone and had a story for everything. His toughness and wisdom were hard won from growing up in a large family in challenging circumstances. As such, he only wanted the best for his kids, and no matter how it came out at the time, we came to understand that. He gave generously to others and opened his home to many. Why else would a man who doesn’t like to swim build a pool in his backyard? Bill Westcott enjoyed his life. He loved being a principal and working with kids. He ran 10K races in his 50’s and he played ice hockey into his 70’s. He enjoyed physical labour and made us appreciate it, too. He went to great lengths to always have cold beer in the fridge, both for guests and for himself, including driving 1,000 kilometres to Montreal to buy beer during a Brewer’s Retail strike. He was most comfortable when he could make the people around him happy. My dad was always there when I really needed him. We had an easy relationship and we could slip into and out of different topics of conversation in the way that very good friends are able to do. He lived vibrantly and well and I am sorry he is gone. Anyone who knew him will miss him.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
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Tribute Store
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Arrive in Style was purchased for the family of William Westcott. Send Flowers
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Melissa uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

It's not a lie when I say Bill was one of my favourite uncles as well as a great person in general. I have a lot of fond family memories of get togethers as he and my aunt Brenda were so generous with throwing birthday parties, bbqs, pool parties, Christmas etc. They were really all about bringing the family together. Bill was quick to have a funny sarcastic remark, but then toss you a drink and have a great conversation with you. You could see how important his family was to him, and how he's raised some awesome sons. I send my condolences to my aunt Brenda, my cousins Ben and David as well as Bill's other family members. RIP Bill you will be very much missed by so many people.
Frances and Bill riggs posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Was so sorry to hear about Bill.He was a great person who always smiled and took time to make sure you were ok.I have known Bill for years he loved Christmas ,swimming in the pool ,l spent lots of time with him Brenda and family at Christmas summer swimming etc,he loved maggie our dog.When I think of Bill I always see his smile and kindness,Frances Maggie and me will miss him.Brenda my sister was so blessed to have Bill as her husband.My prayers are with Brenda and family.love Bill Frances and Maggie Riggs xo
Frances Riggs posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Today and always, may loving memories bring you peace, comfort and strength. Our deepest condolences. The Dembinski Family
Bernadette uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Bill, not only my brother-in-law (more a brother to me than an 'out-law'), but also my grade school principal. I've known him most of my life and he's always been a wonderful character. Funny, lively, caring, and welcoming to any and all that came into his life. He treated my sister with great respect and support. I grew up watching what a good man was and how love can be true seeing him and Brenda together. I spent many great times with the Westcott's at their house, parties, outings, vacations, etc. Too many amazing memories to ever properly sum it up, but always cherished in my heart/mind. Bill was supportive to me in times of need (and my sister) and that meant a great deal to me. Never a time where he wasn't making people laugh and cracking jokes to lighten the mood. Wonderful father to his 4 sons. Always doing whatever he could to make others lives easier. So happy to have had him in our lives. May he rest in peace and hope he's chuckling over a beer wherever he is now. Until we meet again my friend. Much love always, Bernie ('Mern') and Rob, Emily, Julian
Brian Riggs posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Our condolences to the family. Bill was a very kind person and had a humour about him that could get you laughing when you least expected it. Bill loved his Jays and Maple Leafs. Bill was proud of his boys and all of them have grown up to be successful. I know my sister will miss him dearly. But, his memories will be with us forever The Riggs family from Burlington
Tribute Store
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Beautiful in Blue was purchased for the family of William Westcott. Send Flowers
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Don Bannan posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Though you may not know me I knew Bill through guys like Gunther and John Herman and Pat Flood who he will join in heaven now and have a few beers like we did after our Principal meetings in Region 4 or after hockey at McCormick Arena. Bill had a way with words and truly made those around him feel so good. He was an unselfish man! ❤️❤️ Don Bannan
Debby Baillargeon posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Brenda, prayers for you and your family. May you cherish your memories and may they give you comfort at this time.
Bob Carter posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Sincere sympathies to the family. I worked with Bill for several years at St. Joseph’s. Always enjoyed working and chatting with him and his sense of humour. We even went to the very first Blue Jays game together. Thanks for the memories, Bill. Bob Carter
The family of William Francis Westcott uploaded a photo
Monday, May 17, 2021

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